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SEC­TION 1: CLUB NAME. The name of the orga­ni­za­tion shall be the All-American Camaro & Firebird Association aka AACFA.

SEC­TION 2: PUR­POSE. The purpose of this club is to establish fellowship among members, provide information, technical assistance and share the interest of the Chevrolet Camaro/Pontiac Firebird. Our main goal is to preserve, restore and maintain the Camaro/Firebird and its history. This includes Camaros/Firebirds of all styles: stock, restored, original or modified.

SEC­TION 3: DISSOLUTION. Upon dis­so­lu­tion of the orga­ni­za­tion, all remain­ing assets must be used exclu­sively for exempt pur­poses, such as char­i­ta­ble, reli­gious, edu­ca­tional, and/or sci­en­tific pur­poses, such as local vet­eran non-profit organizations.



SEC­TION 1: PREMISE. Full mem­ber­ship in this orga­ni­za­tion shall be open to any indi­vid­ual who owns a Chevrolet Camaro or Pontiac Firebird. Members are required to have a valid driver’s license in their state of residence and must have minimum state auto insurance covering the vehicle(s) qualifying them for membership.

SECTION 2: ATTENDANCE. While members are not required to attend any events, they are encouraged to attend events and to be active in the club and with their chapter.  

SECTION 3: FUTURE CHAPTERS. While the club will start in Middle Tennessee, provision exists to allow the formation of chapters outside of Middle Tennessee. See article XII for further guidelines for the formation of new chapters.

SECTION 4: PROBATION PERIOD. All prospective members will spend 30-days in a probationary period with the support of a designated sponsor to assist new members in learning about the club and getting to know the members. At the beginning of the probationary period, the following documentation must be submitted to the leadership group: (1) mem­ber­ship appli­ca­tion (2) signed hold-harmless form and (3) the by-laws sign off sheet. After that a prospective member begins their probationary period. Once the probationary period has ended, the leadership group and an individual’s sponsor will vote to make a probationary member a full member.

SEC­TION 5: ACCEPTANCE. Mem­ber­ship is accepted after a vote has been completed in the probationary member’s favor and when 1st year membership dues have been paid in full. When the afore­men­tioned are accom­plished, an indi­vid­ual is con­sid­ered as an “active/voting” member. Members must provide a copy of their auto insurance renewal when their existing insurance expires.

SEC­TION 6: VOTING. A mem­ber­ship is permitted one vote per paid full membership. Probationary members do not have voting power.

SEC­TION 7: BY-LAWS. All new mem­bers will be pro­vided a copy of the All-American Camaro & Firebird club by-laws and will be required to sign a receipt stat­ing they have received, read and agree to the by-laws of the club. The receipt will be main­tained by the secretary.

SECTION 8: TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP. Membership in this club is non-transferable.

SECTION 9: OWNERSHIP QUALIFICATION. If the vehicle qualifying a member for membership is sold or transferred to another party, membership shall become forfeit at the time of the transaction.

SECTION 10: HOLD HARMLESS. Membership will not be activated until a signed copy of the club’s hold harmless agreement has been completed and given to an officer.



SEC­TION 1: PREMISE. Mem­ber­ship annual dues shall be payable for each calendar year. The cost of an annual membership shall be set by the leadership each year to account for the proposed membership package.

SECTION 2: RENEWALS. Club dues are payable each year on the anniversary of initially joining the club.

SEC­TION 3: LEADERSHIP. In order to nom­i­nate, or be nom­i­nated for an officer posi­tion, and vote dur­ing our elec­tion, each mem­ber must be a mem­ber in good stand­ing with dues paid in full.



SECTION 1: PREMISE. Strategic partnerships with businesses and organizations can be mutually beneficial and are encouraged.

SECTION 2: SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT. A standardized sponsorship agreement form shall be used with any prospective business/organization. Alterations to that agreement can only be made by the leadership of each chapter or the Governing Board by a simple majority vote.

SECTION 3: APPROVAL. All sponsorship agreements may only be approved, signed and executed by the leadership of each chapter or the Governing Board through a simple majority vote.




SEC­TION 1: OFFICER’S MEET­INGS. We will hold officer’s meetings for all officers on an as-needed basis. Attendance of all relevant parties is expected at each meeting. Officers are expected to attend meetings which shall be held monthly.

SEC­TION 2: MONTHLY MEETINGS. Monthly meetings shall be held each month of each calendar year. Location, exact date and time tbd.

SEC­TION 3: SPE­CIAL MEET­INGS. Spe­cial meet­ings may be called by the officers when deemed nec­es­sary to con­duct the busi­ness of this organization.

SEC­TION 4: NOTICE. Notice of change in meet­ing loca­tion or spe­cial meet­ing shall be given to each “active/voting” mem­ber by email.



SECTION 1: ORDER OF BUSINESS. The monthly meet­ings will use the AACFA rules of order to main­tain a proper meet­ing envi­ron­ment (copies of the rules will be made available).

  1. Call to order.

  2. Roll call of mem­bers present.

  3. Read­ing of min­utes of last meeting.

  4. Officers’ reports.

  5. Com­mit­tee reports.

  6. Spe­cial orders — impor­tant busi­ness pre­vi­ously des­ig­nated for con­sid­er­a­tion at this meeting.

  7. Unfin­ished business.

  8. New busi­ness.

  9. Announce­ments.

  10.  Adjourn­ment.


  1. Treasurer:

    1. Statement of account to show current balance

    2. Current bank statement

    3. Deposits broken down by:

      1. New member dues

      2. Merchandise sales

      3. Sponsorship donations

      4. Charitable donations

    4. All withdrawals made since last meeting

    5. Current P&L

  2. Membership coordinator

    1. New membership registrations

    2. Current membership count

    3. Membership renewal rate

All reports are to be provided at each meeting. In the event an officer is unable to attend an officer’s meeting, written reports must be provided via email to all officers prior to meeting so reports may be recorded.



 SEC­TION 1: LIST OF OFFICERS. The ini­tial officers of the club shall be as follows:

  1. President

  2. Vice president

  3. Treasurer

  4. Secretary

  5. Social media coordinator

  6. Membership coordinator

SEC­TION 2: ELEC­TION OF OFFICERS. Elec­tion of new officers will occur as the last item of busi­ness at the October meet­ing of the club. To be eligible, a member must be nominated by someone outside of their household. Such nomination shall be provided via email only to the club secretary 7 days prior to the October monthly meeting. Nom­i­na­tions will be emailed to the club membership and said nominees shall be voted on during the October quarterly meeting. Dur­ing the October meet­ing, the elec­tion of officers shall be by a sim­ple major­ity of the “active/voting” mem­bers of the club. In the event of a tie, officers will determine how to break the tie. Absentee ballots may be accepted at the discretion of the sitting officer group as a whole in a process to be determined by the officers. Bal­lots shall be provided.

Dur­ing the elec­tion of officers, any nom­i­nated mem­ber in good stand­ings may run for a position on the board of directors. A member will have a one-week period following the end of the nomination window to either accept or decline their nomination. If no response is received by the end of that week, the nomination will be presumed to have been refused.

Existing officers do not have to be nominated again to be re-elected for their current position.

Officers will be elected to a board of directors. The board will then independently determine which members of the newly elected board will fill each officer’s role.

SEC­TION 3: TERMS. Officers shall serve a term of 1 year and may be re-elected for con­sec­u­tive terms. The year begins November 1st and end October 31st.

SEC­TION 4: RESPON­SI­BIL­ITY. It is the respon­si­bil­ity of the officers to con­duct all the busi­ness of the orga­ni­za­tion in a proper manner.

SEC­TION 5: RES­IG­NA­TION, TER­MI­NA­TION. Res­ig­na­tion by an officer must be in writ­ing and received by the sec­re­tary. An officer may be removed from office by a vote of a quo­rum (see voting for def­i­n­i­tion) of the “active/voting” members who cast a ballot.

SEC­TION 6: VACAN­CIES. When a vacancy of an officer exists, nom­i­na­tions for a new officer may be received from the “active/voting” mem­bers in atten­dance at the fol­low­ing monthly meet­ing. These nom­i­na­tions will be sent out in the monthly newslet­ter to all “active/voting” mem­bers and will be voted upon at the next monthly meet­ing. The vacancy will be filled only to the end of the vacated officer’s term.

SEC­TION 7: CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.  When­ever a direc­tor or officer has a finan­cial or per­sonal inter­est in any mat­ter com­ing before the board of direc­tors, the affected per­son shall a) fully dis­close the nature of the inter­est and b) with­draw from dis­cus­sion, lob­by­ing, and vot­ing on the mat­ter. Any trans­ac­tion or vote involv­ing a poten­tial con­flict of inter­est shall be approved only when a major­ity of dis­in­ter­ested direc­tors deter­mine that it is in the best inter­est of the cor­po­ra­tion to do so. The min­utes of meet­ings at which such votes are taken shall record such dis­clo­sure, absten­tion and ratio­nale for approval.

SEC­TION 8: PRESIDENT. Shall be the spokesper­son of the orga­ni­za­tion and ensures that the club oper­ates within the bylaws estab­lished by the mem­ber­ship. The president will con­duct the monthly meet­ings, appoint com­mit­tees, and call spe­cial meet­ings as required. President shall be responsible for securing club sponsorships and representing the club at official events and functions. The president will actively work with the trea­surer on estab­lish­ing oper­at­ing bud­gets for club func­tions and act as a co-signer for club checks.

SEC­TION 9: VICE PRESIDENT. Shall assume the respon­si­bil­i­ties of the president in her or his absence. The vice president will also actively work with the trea­surer on estab­lish­ing oper­at­ing bud­gets for club func­tions and act as a co-signer for club checks.

SEC­TION 10: SECRETARY. Shall record the min­utes of club meet­ings and keep his­tor­i­cal records, pro­vide notice of all reg­u­lar and spe­cial meet­ings, han­dle club cor­re­spon­dence, and keep cus­tody of all records of the club. The secretary shall be responsible for handling any responsibilities associated with new member enrollment.

SEC­TION 11: TREASURER. Shall have care and cus­tody of all monies belong­ing to the orga­ni­za­tion, will be respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing and review­ing fis­cal pro­ce­dures along with pre­sent­ing monthly and annual sta­tus of finances to the mem­ber­ship. The trea­surer is des­ig­nated as the only required sig­na­ture for check writ­ing. The trea­surer will be the cus­to­dian of all finan­cial records.

SECTION 12: MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR. The membership coordinator shall be responsible for handling any responsibilities associated with new member enrollment and re-enrollment of existing members. Other duties relating to membership and membership satisfaction, as assigned.


SEC­TION 1: PREMISE. All mem­bers will con­duct them­selves at all meet­ings, shows, events, cruises, etc. In a fash­ion befit­ting good taste and etiquette and shall conduct themselves in a manner that will represent the club positively.

SEC­TION 2: GUESTS. All mem­bers will be respon­si­ble for the con­duct of their guests attend­ing func­tions and activities. members or members who have guests who fail to abide by the code of conduct can be penalized up to and including expulsion from all American Camaro & Firebird association.

SEC­TION 3: PARTICIPATION All mem­bers are encour­aged to par­tic­i­pate in shows, cruises, and other events, and to present the finest image pos­si­ble of the club.

SEC­TION 4: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Use of the club name, logo, or other club mate­r­ial for pri­vate use or gain is pro­hib­ited. Any such use must be approved by the officers through a majority vote. Any unauthorized use of the club logo may result in expulsion from the club and possible legal repercussions may ensue. All club logos, mate­ri­als, or other prod­ucts devel­oped over the course of time by any indi­vid­ual per­ti­nent to the busi­ness or func­tion of the club are to be the prop­erty of the All-American Camaro & Firebird association.

SECTION 5 CARAVANS. When the club, as a group, is caravanning on an interstate highway or state highway, the group shall not exceed the posted speed limit, will stay in the "slow lane" except when passing other slower vehicles, will drive in a manner so as not to obstruct other vehicles, and will show courtesy to other drivers. When the club, as a group, is caravanning in town, the group shall travel in a single file, maintain a safe distance between vehicles, and observe all posted speed limits.

SECTION 6: CONTRACTS. members shall not commit or enter into any binding agreements or contracts without approval from the board of directors.

SEC­TION 7: CONSEQUENCES. Any mem­ber may be sus­pended or removed from the orga­ni­za­tion at the dis­cre­tion of the board of officers by a major­ity vote based on con­duct that dis­rupts the good order of club activities.



SEC­TION 1: RIGHTS. Mem­bers must be present at the meet­ing at which items are pre­sented to the mem­bers for a vote.

SEC­TION 2: VOTING METHOD. At all meet­ings, except for the elec­tion of officers, vot­ing shall be by voice or a show of hands. For the elec­tion of officers, vot­ing shall be by bal­lot and counted by no less than two non-candidate members.

SEC­TION 3: QUO­RUM. A quo­rum is con­sid­ered to be at least 20 mem­bers of the “active/voting” mem­bers in atten­dance, or ½ of existing dues paying members, whichever is less, at the meet­ing in which items are pre­sented to the mem­bers for a vote. Accep­tance by a quo­rum must take place before busi­ness can be trans­acted or motions made or passed. For officer votes a quorum must consist of a vote from each sitting officer either in person, or via documented email.

SEC­TION 4: ELIGIBILITY. To be eli­gi­ble to vote, mem­bers must be in good stand­ings with dues paid current.



SEC­TION 1: PREMISE. The club may cre­ate com­mit­tees as needed, such as fundrais­ing, annual car show, pub­lic rela­tions, etc.

SEC­TION 2: COMMITTEE CHAIR. Each com­mit­tee will appoint a chair. The chair will act as the focal point for report­ing sta­tus of the com­mit­tee, point-of-contact for infor­ma­tion or questions.

SEC­TION 3: EMPOWERMENT. Com­mit­tees are to research their assigned tasks and make rec­om­men­da­tions to the mem­ber­ship for voting.



SEC­TION 1: DONATIONS. A major­ity of the prof­its from fund rais­ers, annual car show, etc. will be pro­vided to a des­ig­nated char­i­ta­ble beneficiary.

SEC­TION 2: 50/50. Monies earned through the-50/50 raf­fle can be withheld by the club and used toward club events (i.e., hol­i­day party)

SEC­TION 3: SALARIES. No officer shall for rea­son of his office be enti­tled to receive any salary or compensation.

SEC­TION 4: VERIFICATION & DEPOSITS. All col­lected funds are to be ver­i­fied by an officer for deposit at the time of monies received when­ever pos­si­ble (i.e., club meet­ings and club spon­sored events).

SEC­TION 5: RECORDS RETENTION. All records of finances & membership will be main­tained for 7 years for audit­ing pur­poses (see trea­sures duties). 

SEC­TION 8: REIMBURSEMENT. An orig­i­nal receipt is required for any re-imbursements to club members.

SECTION 9: TAXES. Treasurer shall file and pay any and all applicable taxes associated with the club on or before the date they are due.

SECTION 10: BANKING. In accordance with GAAP, the club shall maintain a checking account with an FDIC insured bank or credit union. All chapter officers will be provided online login information to the account but only the president and treasurer shall be provided debit cards for the account.

SECTION 11: LINES OF CREDIT. Under no circumstances shall the club have lines of credit, or club credit cards. The club is to remain 100% solvent at all times and shall not enter into a debt of any kind.



Pro­posed amend­ments and/or changes to the by-laws will be voted on by the leadership group until such time as Article 1 of Amendment 1 is in affect and at the time, all changes and amendments o the by-laws will be proposed and voted on by the Governing Board.

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